
League of Legends Fan Character Prototype

This is the first polished iteration of my playable character for League of Legends, Nocoota. This is a solo developed project.

Project Goals

My primary goal was to fit the design of Nocoota’s kit within the current League of Legends character roster of 160 champions while still creating a distinguished and intuitive gameplay feel.

Another goal was to better understand the technical process of bringing ability mechanics to life that are smooth and communicate their effects clearly.

Skills Learned

  • Blueprint Scripting - I am responsible for implementing everything you see in the prototype.

  • Abilities Design - I designed Nocoota’s abilities from the ground up, including her mechanics and theme.

Design Goals

  • Introduce a character with 2 different forms into the mid lane mage archetype.

  • Create abilities that allow for high skill expression while still offering engaging moments for lower skilled players.

  • Create interesting choices for the player to make in gameplay that are not overly complex.

Abilities Rundown

Nocoota has 5 abilities. 1 Passive, 3 basic abilities (Q, W, E), and 1 Ultimate ability.


The 4th consecutive attack on an enemy grants a short burst of movement speed, deal bonus damage, and grants a stack of Nocoota’s W ability.

  • I chose this passive to help mitigate some of the weaknesses present in the rest of Nocoota’s kit.



While in Peace mode, hitting enemies with abilities grants stacks. While in Revenge mode, consume stacks to increase damage and utility. Press W to switch between modes.

  • This is the core of Nocoota’s kit. I chose this mechanic because this gameplay is missing in the roster of mages in League of Legends.


Cleanse immobilizing effects before creating an area that stuns and deals damage to all enemies inside.

  • I chose to index a large portion of power budget here because the most exciting mages to play and watch have game changing ultimate abilities.


A ranged skill-shot missile, dealing a mix of area-of-effect damage at medium range, and single-target damage at long range.

  • I chose this design to fit Nocoota inside the Mage archetype. This ability is low cost, low cooldown, and high range. It offers AOE damage and map control through consistent wave clear. This is Nocoota’s bread and butter ability.


Create an area that deals damage over time, reduces enemy damage dealt from inside the area, and increases cooldowns of enemy abilities cast inside the area.

  • I chose these effects because every mage has a form of utility in their basic abilities that create a unique feel. These also fit Nocoota’s themes.

Deep Dive into Nocoota’s Ability Design and Changes

W - Nocoota’s Core Mechanic

I designed Nocoota around two modes- Peace and Revenge. There are champions in the game that share a similar quality, but I wanted to bring this feel to the mage class. This mechanic offers risk and reward gameplay with big moments when players manage to reach full power, but counterplay when Nocoota is vulnerable or greedy.

Q - Bread and Butter Ability

Mages all have strong wave clear through a low cooldown, high range AOE ability. I chose to balance this ability in regards to the Revenge mode by restricting the range of the AOE damage. I replaced this with single target damage, and a buffer that gives more chance to dodge at high ranges.


  • Increase Intuition - The multiplier is math intensive, so I will be moving it to a flat increase per stack, with later stacks adding a greater flat amount.

  • Remove Heal, Add Shield - Prevents players from playing for sustain.

  • Remove Mana Cost - Simplifies resource management.


  • Increase Range of AOE - AOE range is slightly too short to stay safe.

  • Reduce Damage/Cooldown Numbers - Stacking in Peace mode will be moved into Q and Passive in order to balance E ability.

Ultimate - Big Moments

A large portion of mage’s power budgets are often allocated into high range and game changing Ultimate abilities. In order to balance this ability in regards to Revenge mode, it consumes all stacks available.


  • Visual Clarity - Players expressed confusion about the range of the ability, and whether or not the character would dash to where it lands. I will fix this with a VFX that provides anticipation and clarity of the gavel’s range.

E - Nocoota’s Utility

I found inspiration for these forms of utility from Nocoota’s lore (found down below). This ability offers players a skill expressive choice upon switching into revenge. They can either prioritize damage by using Q, or utility by using E.

Passive - Filling In The Gaps

Nocoota needed a form of reliable early damage and stacking that does not require resources (mana). I chose to add a movement speed bonus to help Nocoota kite enemies in lieu of any slows or crowd control in her basic abilities.

The vision passive ties into Nocoota’s theme and adds depth to her identity in high levels of play.


  • Increase Cooldown - This ability is incredibly strong, so in order to reduce its portion of the power budget, I will increase the cooldown.


  • Lower reward, increase consistency - In an effort to transfer stacking away from E, I will reduce attack # to pop passive, but also reduce damage and speed boost.

  • Integrate Vision - The vision passive feels like it doesn’t fit the rest of the kit, so I will integrate it better through adding a vision effect that works with abilities.

Nocoota’s Lore

Nocoota was born in Noxus. Her father was a Noxian judge, and one of the first Noxians to travel to Ionia. While there, he fell in love with a Vastayan known as the wisest to ever live. They had a child in secrecy- Nocoota. The family travelled back to Noxus, and the Noxian leaders took interest in the secret magic of Ionia. They only saw weakness to exploit. Nocoota’s mother was taken, and every bit of information was drawn from her about her home. Nocoota’s father helped Nocoota escape to a boat on the eastern shore. She traveled to her birthplace in Ionia and found peace in the wilds. This peace was taken away when her greatest fear came true, and the Noxians caught up to her.

Who is Nocoota?

Characters I get excited about have their lore integrated seamlessly into their gameplay. While developing abilities, I was also developing Nocoota’s lore. Both the abilities and lore inspired each other.

Nocoota gained Noxian respect when she single handedly held back the invasion of her home forest. Ever since, Vastayan tribes have retreated into her care, with leaders seeking her wisdom. She arrived at a Noxian camp wearing the armor of her fallen Noxian foe, and has been arguing for peace contingent on Noxians leaving Ionia ever since. At sunfall she retreats back into her wilds, defending them at all costs, exacting revenge for her mother, father, home, and people.

“Lay Down The Law” animation pose reference

Nocoota wields her fathers gavel, infused with Ionian magic

2D Artists

I am passionate about Nocoota’s themes, so I worked with 2 artists to breathe life to her visually. Through constant collaboration, they helped me create concept art and ability icon assets seen throughout the project and this portfolio. Huge shoutout to these awesome artists!

Emily Ballin - Concept Artist

University of Utah EAE Undergraduate

Ginacarlos Ruck - UI artist (ability icons)

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