University of Utah

Entertainment Arts and Engineering

Salt Lake City, Utah


BS in Games at EAE

I recently graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science in Games in the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program. My degree is focused on design, but through the program I have gained a wide variety of experience in production, art, and programming.

Teachers that made an impact on me


  • Greg Bayles

    I only had one class with Greg, but it was one of my favorite experiences at EAE. He taught my Alternative Game Development class. In this class we go through the entire game development process, but we are tasked with a greater purpose. Our games must have a value beyond entertainment. In this class I lead a team in designing Apart Together, a game about perspective in long distance relationships. Greg supported and inspired my team’s vision from day one.

    Thank you Greg!

  • Ashley Brown

    I first met Ashley when I took her Games Research Class. She quickly became one of my favorite professors. In her class we learned the skills necessary to “find the fun” in a game during development. These skills have proved to be some of the most valuable in my toolkit throughout project classes. Later on I would take her UI design class where I learned the simple genius behind games UI.

    Thank you Ashley!

  • Alf Seegert

    A friend of the EAE program, Alf teaches many EAE students but is stationed in the English school. He teaches my favorite class at the U- Literature, Film and Videogames. In this class I learned to understand the connections between different mediums of art, and I feel like I truly began to believe the impact that games can have on players and our future.

    Thank you Dr. Alf!